We are extremely excited to announce that Dan Norman and Dan Fries of Managed IT Force have been invited to be presenters at the ACSI Professional Development Forum, October 19-20, 2017, in Grove City, PA.
The Association of Christian Schools International is a fantastic organization that is committed to strengthening schools through a variety of programs. We could not be happier to help with this mission!
At the October Professional Development Forum, Managed IT Force will be presenting five seminars to help schools improve their effectiveness thru technology programs. Our presentations will include:
Several technologies continue to converge, new forms of human-computer interaction are gaining visibility and traction, and more.
The continued deployment of mobile devices in the classroom brings new challenges for teachers, technology integrationists, and IT staff.
So often, in-place technology solutions like Office 365 are vastly under-utilized for enhancing learning and collaboration. Get help in this session.
As a Christian & an educator, have you examined your beliefs about topics like technology, social media? This session will provide you a solid start.
This workshop will give you a comprehensive look at what needs to be considered in your school's technology plan.