Managed IT Force Blog

Managed IT Force provides purposeful and powerful IT management and support services to small and medium organizations in the Pittsburgh Area. Our clients enjoy world-class service and reliability for a predictable low fixed fee.

Manage and Create More than One Google Calendar

Manage and Create More than One Google Calendar

Your Google Calendar is an important part of your productivity practices, but with the help of some additional calendars, you can make managing daily tasks easier than ever. Let’s consider how you can use multiple Google Calendars to be more productive, as well as how you can get them set up.

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How to Make a QR Code in Google Chrome

How to Make a QR Code in Google Chrome

QR codes have cemented themselves as one of the most common technologies used to direct people to important resources or information about goods or services provided by an organization or company. You see them on menus in restaurants, instruction booklets, and even on business cards. How can you make QR codes for your business?

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