Managed IT Force Blog

Managed IT Force provides purposeful and powerful IT management and support services to small and medium organizations in the Pittsburgh Area. Our clients enjoy world-class service and reliability for a predictable low fixed fee.

4 Problems with Remote Work That You Need to Address

4 Problems with Remote Work That You Need to Address

Remote work offers numerous benefits for both your employees and your business, provided you can overcome the challenges associated with implementing it. One such challenge is productivity, something which employees might struggle with while working remotely. Here are four ways your average remote employee might be challenged by their remote work in terms of productivity.

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Technology Investments Can Significantly Help Your Business

Technology Investments Can Significantly Help Your Business

Technology plays a pivotal role in the operations of most businesses, but its primary function is to empower and support the workforce. Many employees have specific expectations when it comes to the technology provided by their organizations. Failure to meet these expectations can drive them to seek employment elsewhere. Let’s delve into five ways technology bolsters your employees' productivity.

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The 80/20 Rule is a Time-Tested Way to Protect Your Network

The 80/20 Rule is a Time-Tested Way to Protect Your Network

IT security is a major pain point for all businesses in all industries. Is your organization doing a good enough job at keeping your data safe? The reality of the situation is that the majority of threats make it through the tiniest of vulnerabilities, even those that seem to be benign. By understanding a concept called the 80/20 rule, you might be able to better address your business’s network security weaknesses.

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Tip of the Week: Maximize Productivity By Listening to the Right Music

Tip of the Week: Maximize Productivity By Listening to the Right Music

Nowadays, with streaming services like Spotify, Google Play, and Pandora available on a plethora of mobile devices, music lovers have an easy time enjoying tunes everywhere they go, including at the office. While this is all well and good, have you ever stopped to wonder if music is helping your employees, or holding them back?

 Research shows that there are plenty of music variables that correlates to productivity levels. Variables such as:

  • The task at hand.
  • How much the task changes as time goes on.
  • The cognitive requirements of the task.

For example, it takes different levels of attention and focus for a task like checking your inbox versus putting together a business proposal. In the case of repetitive tasks, studies have proven that background music provides several boons, including increased efficiency.

When considering the open office layout, this prompts another discussion regarding the effectiveness of music and productivity. It’s no secret that the open office environment can be distracting as employees have conversations about everything from the meaning of life to what they had for breakfast, as well as the distraction of actual work being done. Between these two extremes is the individual office worker, needing to hunker down, tune out everybody, and get work done. In this case, headphones are a blessing that can keep distractions, like noise and office chatter, to a minimum. Listening to music in this scenario helps workers focus on their goals and be productive.

While the office worker has plenty of benefits to yield from listening to music during a mundane, boring task, someone who is trying to focus on something complex might not feel the same way. As you can imagine, music can actually be a distraction when songs with lyrics are involved. This is due to the fact that, when someone listens to a new track for the first time, their first instinct is to listen to the lyrics, and thus, they will focus on that rather than the task at hand. Studies show that tasks involving parts of the brain that don’t deal with verbal language can benefit from lyrical songs, but other tasks might prove more manageable with instrumental music.

Every worker has different musical preferences, so picking a surefire productivity playlist for the entire office will be challenging. Some workers might not be bothered by lyrics, while others are driven insane by the prospect of focusing on two things at once. Overall, music can be a great way to enhance productivity, so give your employees the ability to listen to what they like and your company will surely benefit.

What kind of music do you prefer to listen to while working? Does your office have music playing throughout the day?  Do you find it helpful or distracting?  Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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What is the 10,000 Hour Rule, and Does it Work?

What is the 10,000 Hour Rule, and Does it Work?

A business owner is always looking to improve their skills and learn about new ones. It’s natural to want to learn new things, even if you’re already an expert in your own field. The 10,000 hour rule offers a few guidelines to help you learn a new craft, but it’s not as easy as consistent practice. You might be in for a long journey toward “expert status.”

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